Friday, June 29, 2007

Pioneer Chapter

DEMOLAY AND JOBS DAUGHTERS, a match made in heaven

One of the sweetest memories I have of being the chapter Sweetheart of Pioneer DeMolay was bringing my Bethel and Pioneer chapter together. For many years Bethel #10 and Pioneer chapter, that both met at the same Masonic Lodge, had no contact. Once I became Sweetheart these two groups came together. We had socials, snatch-breakfasts, attended each others Installations and gathered together at Temple night. The girls came out to cheer on the DeMolay teams, danced at the Western League Sweetheart Balls, traveled to the Southern California Conference conventions, tried their luck at car rallies and just hung out and had fun.

One thing led to another and many guys and gals fell in love and got married. Six couples from Bethel #10 and Pioneer DeMolay married and two other Pioneer members married gals from other Bethels. Happily, six out of the eight couples are still together. Not a bad track record. Call me “Yenta”.

The lasting memories and cherished friendships made during the time I was Sweetheart warm my heart. Many of us have reconnected after 25 years including some couples who dated back in the day.

The DeMolay/Jobs Daughter’s connection is alive and well with us “old timers”. Lasting friendships, shared memories, along with love and marriage, truly was a bonus for all of us who share in this Masonic family.


Julee Silverman

About Me

I joined DeMolay at age 14 and still believe that it is one of the finest organizations a young man can join. I am a Past Master Councilor of Pacific Palisades Chapter, Past Illustrious Knight Commander, Representative DeMolay, LCC, Blue Honor Key, Green Honor Key, Chevalier, Advisors Honor Key, Cross of Honor, Legion of Honor, Past Western DeMolay League President, Past Southern California DeMolay Jurisdiction Officer, Past Chapter Advisor Pacific Palisades& Conejo Valley, Past Channel Islands League Administrator, Past Jurisdiction Advisor I am a Past Master of Conejo Valley Masonic Lodge No. 807, Past Commander, Ventura Commandery No. 18, Past Sovereign Master, Allied Masonic Degrees.I am a past Advisor for Conejo Valley Assembly Rainbow For Girls and Past Advisor for Bethel 324, Jobs Daughters, I joined the Los Angeles Police Department in 1976 and have over 30 years with the Department. I am married and a daughter. I love to play tennis, take pictures and go to baseball games. My favorite teams are the Dodgers and the Boston Red Sox.