Sunday, May 6, 2007

Hollywood DeMolay Chapter

Hollywood Chapter was the first Chapter in Los Angeles, being chartered in the morning before Los Angeles Chapter was Chartered on the same day. Hollywood DeMolay was once one of the greatest Chapters in all of DeMolay. They have some things that are truly unique. They were the only Chapter authorise to put a rack scene during the DeMolay Degree. The ritual was approved by Kanas City and only Hollywood could put it on. They had a special rack built by the studios for the ceremony. Dusty Rogers, son of Roy Rogers was a member of this great Chapter. One of the most noteworthy items about Hollywood DeMolay is it's PAMACO Club. This is a Past Master Councilors Club of Hollywood DeMolay and at it's last meeting in 2006, it was their 81st annual meeting. A Past Master Councilor from 1932 was there and PMC's from 30's to the 70's. How many youth groups mean enough to meet the rest of their lives. Hollywood DeMolay always wear Red Socks as a way of standing out and the PMC's still do.

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About Me

I joined DeMolay at age 14 and still believe that it is one of the finest organizations a young man can join. I am a Past Master Councilor of Pacific Palisades Chapter, Past Illustrious Knight Commander, Representative DeMolay, LCC, Blue Honor Key, Green Honor Key, Chevalier, Advisors Honor Key, Cross of Honor, Legion of Honor, Past Western DeMolay League President, Past Southern California DeMolay Jurisdiction Officer, Past Chapter Advisor Pacific Palisades& Conejo Valley, Past Channel Islands League Administrator, Past Jurisdiction Advisor I am a Past Master of Conejo Valley Masonic Lodge No. 807, Past Commander, Ventura Commandery No. 18, Past Sovereign Master, Allied Masonic Degrees.I am a past Advisor for Conejo Valley Assembly Rainbow For Girls and Past Advisor for Bethel 324, Jobs Daughters, I joined the Los Angeles Police Department in 1976 and have over 30 years with the Department. I am married and a daughter. I love to play tennis, take pictures and go to baseball games. My favorite teams are the Dodgers and the Boston Red Sox.